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Diphtheria Epidemic Update


Updated: Apr 10, 2019

An epidemic of Diphtheria – a deadly and highly contagious disease – has already infected more than 700 people in Union Council of Jatta Ismail Khel, KPK, located about 30 miles northeast of Karak. Left untreated, diphtheria kills 40 to 50% of those infected. Visit now to help eradicate diphtheria for the people of Jatta Ismail Khel and the surrounding areas.

A local news update (video below) sheds light on the impact of the epidemic. Since the original broadcast, the situation continues to worsen.

The cost to treat those currently suffering is estimated at $49,500 US (assuming a cost of $55 per person).

Jatta Ismail Khel is located towards the top right of the map, with the Leishmaniasis Profile Clinics marked with green flags and land for the in-construction Telha Foundation Health Center with a yellow star

Diphtheria is a highly contagious disease. It is spread through the air (coughing or sneezing) and by direct and indirect contact with an infected person. Diphtheria is also a highly deadly disease. Before treatment was available in the United States, diphtheria killed as many as 1 in 2 infected people. The CDC reports "even with treatment, about 1 in 10 people who gets diphtheria will die."

Early symptoms include sore throat and fever. Symptoms progress to swollen neck, blocked airway and organ damage. As a result, people experience secondary illnesses including myocarditis, nerve inflammation, kidney failure, abnormal bleeding and paralysis.

Make a difference. Visit our Eradicate Diphtheria fundraiser page to donate and share to social media.

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